Organizational Background

      Mahidol University prioritizes the occupational safety and health of all its students, personnel, individuals on duty, and visitors to its service centers. It also gives importance to the university’s surroundings and nearby community. As such, guidelines were created to improve the occupational safety, health and workplace environment at Mahidol University.
     This involved setting up the Center for Occupational Safety, Health and Workplace Environment Management (COSHEM) in 2009 to serve as a central body responsible for overseeing, monitoring, assessing, and advising on occupational safety and health, as well as the workplace environment. COSHEM reports to the Division of Physical Systems and Environment, Office of the President.
     Later, in 2018, the Mahidol University Council passed a resolution to make the Center for Occupational Safety, Health and Workplace Environment Management (COSHEM) one of the 21 units under the Office of the President. Its main mission is to promote and support the university’s mission regarding education, research, academic services, and sustainable organizational management through the principles of occupational health and safety. The center is under the care of the Vice President for Environment and Sustainable Development and is divided into two units: one dealing with database development and management and the other dealing with promoting safety standards. Its three main products and services include the following:
- augmenting laboratory safety;
- promoting and supporting operations that meet with legal requirements, regulations, and international safety, occupational health, and workplace environment standards; and
- providing academic services related to safety.
Safety Culture
      Safety We CAREs
C    : Caring everyone as Mahidol family.
A    : Awareness of safety in all activities.
R    : Remind friends of unsafe condition.
E    : Everyone is safety and healthy everyday.
S    : Safety culture as a part of life.