Professional Safety Supervisor Training

      Professional safety supervisory training is provided to enhance and develop the knowledge and ability of personnel responsible for conducting supervision at the University. This includes those who have filled these roles or are to be assigned to supervisory roles. Their knowledge and understanding concerning supervisory principles will be enhanced in areas such as technical work, related laws, and supervisory techniques. This will allow them to learn their roles and responsibilities as well as develop basic supervising skills as well as learn various methods and techniques necessary for supervision so that they can perform their duties correctly, safely and more effectively.


  • To strengthen the knowledge and understanding and develop the supervisory potential of personnel.
  • To ensure personnel realize the importance of the role and mission of a supervisor as well as understand the scope of authority and responsibilities of a supervisor.
  • To educate personnel on the operational techniques, mechanisms, and processes so that they can adapt these effectively.

Target Group:

      Personnel responsible for supervising, overseeing and controlling construction within university units

Training Content:

  • Topic 1: Roles, mission, and responsibilities of construction supervisors
  • Topic 2: Managing construction and case studies
  • Topic 3: Techniques and methods to supervise construction and forms to support relevant documentation
  • Topic 4 Workshop: Professional supervision