ESPReL-Standard Assessor Training
      The rationale behind the ESPReL-Standard Assessor Course is the need to develop personnel into individuals who can assess and certify the safety of laboratories in line with ESPReL standards. This enhancement of employee potential will facilitate continuous development and elevation of research labs thus securing the provision of labs that meet safety standards for all relevant units. It will also result in systematic safety standard development for labs, operations monitoring and checking which align with the performance agreement between Mahidol University and the relevant units, and also acceptance between safe lab groups.
- To set up an assessment and certification system in safe labs.
- To cultivate assessors according to ESPReL standards.
- To improve the level of safety for labs in line with ESPReL criteria.
Target Group:
      The Chemical Safety Committee, individuals selected by the committee, or unit-level safety working groups
Training Content:
- Requirements for the safety practice of research laboratories in Thailand covering all seven safety elements: managing the safety management system; chemicals management system; waste management system; physical properties of labs, equipment and tools; system for preventing and resolving danger; analyzing and assessing risks; providing basic knowledge related to laboratory safety; and data and document management.
- Assessment method: Assessment principles, assessment programs, and assessor qualifications
- Assessment steps: Choosing and appointing an assessor body, assessment planning and preparation, assessment, and assessment reporting
- Assessment issues and concerns